The Essential Virtue of a 21st Century Designer - Entrepreneurship2016-12-21

The Essential Virtue of a 21st Century Designer [Venture Foundation] #1 Entrepreneurship
Anyone who has created their own business and succeeded greatly will think of a similar question. "What is his secret?" It seems that scholars studying the economy were also curious about this. Research and debate about entrepreneurs date back more than 200 years, and what comes from this is the word "
entrepreneuriat(entrepreneurship)." This word, translated into entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship, can be said to be a quality commonly found in good entrepreneurship. Then, how do scholars who have studied entrepreneurship define this? What are the conditions for entrepreneurship in 2014?
The definition of Entrepreneurship
It is easy to think of something as a very abstract concept because of the word "spirit," but in fact, entrepreneurial spirit is a very specific and realistic behavioral style. A case in point is Steve Jobs. He created a new industry and culture after pursuing his philosophy as an entrepreneur regardless of other people's criticism. Steve Jobs' advice after his graduation speech at Stanford University, which became so famous, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish," has become a kind of bible for those who have made him their role model. To aspire means not to be satisfied with the present and to always challenge, and to act foolishly means not to be afraid of new attempts that others do not make. The word entrepreneurial spirit was introduced around the 18th century by French economist Richard de Cantillon, who first used the term " entrepreneurship." Since then, many scholars have made their own definitions of entrepreneurship, and the core is always in line. In particular, the definition given by economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1934 is simple, but it still resonates 80 years later.

1 Joseph Schumpeter "Performing a New Combination."
2 Peter Drucker, "Always exploring change, responding to change, and using change as an opportunity."
3 Jeffrey Timmons, "Human and creative behavior that achieves something valuable from nothing."

Interview -
Na-ri Lee Director of the Bank Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurship (D.CAMP) Entrepreneurship Center 
"Great entrepreneurs have already thought about design for a long time."

What are the characteristics of the entrepreneurial spirit of the 21st century different from the past?
As the development of online platforms no longer required large capital for start-ups, suggestions for new ways of thinking rather than product production became an essential competency for entrepreneurs. Technologies that have become a hot topic these days, such as the Internet of Things and wearables, are only 21st century values such as sharing, open innovation, and collaboration. It is more important to incorporate the underlying spirit of the times into the business than the new technology itself. However, I don't think the entrepreneurial spirit of this era is particularly different from that of the past. A good 17th-century entrepreneur has all the qualities required of modern entrepreneurs. So I describe an outstanding entrepreneur as a modern hero. And heroes are born through similar processes in any era. It captures opportunities that others have not seen, makes difficult decisions, and creates things that have never existed in the world with excellent execution and innovative thinking.

What is the relationship between entrepreneurial spirit and design thinking?
Design thinking is a problem-solving-oriented methodology. Start-ups also start with the question of 'What problems and how will you solve it?' where intuition acts as an important factor. At some point, it leaps from A to F. Successful entrepreneurs usually say that they were lucky. The luck is bound to come to everyone, and it is in the end the power of intuition to capture it. The insight to see problems in complex networks of society, economy, culture, and history is also important. Interestingly, great entrepreneurs have already thought about design from a long time ago. The value of intuition, which has been somewhat neglected so far, has only emerged according to the needs of the times, but design thinking is not a new concept.

What efforts are needed to improve entrepreneurship?
Outstanding entrepreneurs all say they read a lot of books. The same is true of insignificant educational background. It doesn't have to be a quality high-quality reading. The process of broadening the field of view and accepting new ideas is important. For entrepreneurs, the ability to creatively solve what no one considered a problem in their own way is essential. This is also a business strategy, and like this, the ability to capture what the problem is can only be developed through a lot of reading and experience.

I ask for advice from the perspective of entrepreneurship to designers living in this era.
Whether you dream of starting a business or trying something different in an organization, you need to look back on whether you are accepting the spirit of the times well. Now is an era in which designers also need the qualities required of entrepreneurs. The design of this era is not simply about beauty. Design replication used to be almost impossible, but now even 3D printers have not appeared? Cooperation skills should also be developed. In foreign countries, the term "single-person start-up" is rarely used. This is because few companies have started their own businesses. It is natural that two people are more capable than one person and five people than two people. Design is fundamentally a process of persuasion and dialogue. And in the world to come, that ability will become more and more important.

Na-ri Lee
After serving as a reporter for Dong-A Ilbo and Segye Ilbo, she served as an editorial writer for JoongAng Ilbo, a business leader in the economic sector•IT team leader, and a weekend section team leader. She is currently the head of the Entrepreneurship Center at the D.CAMP, established by 20 employee organizations of the Korea Federation of Banks through financial support and ecosystem creation for young entrepreneurs. "I'm going to live a different life" by her book. There are >
, (Jo Young-nam Gongjeo), (Soo-chan Ahn et al. co-authorship)

Entrepreneurial behavior
Is there any difference between the behavior patterns of successful entrepreneurs and the way they operate a company? According to innovative entrepreneurs and scholars who have studied companies for a long time, the answer is yes. This means that it is difficult to create new value by operating the company in the same way as others. Howard H. Stevenson summarized the behavior patterns that make entrepreneurs different from others as follows.

It has pioneered the stroller market with design - Bugaboo

Bugaboo's lifestyle.
Bugaboo designs products that suit all users with various lifestyles.  
Is there a stroller that doesn't feel awkward even if a dad drives his baby in a suit? What a stroller can you drag on forest trails or sandy beaches? Strolls of various styles and functions have become common now, but strollers were a headache for parents until Max Barenbrug, the founder of VAT, graduated from design college. Existing strollers have limited human behavior and movement with poor performance, let alone sophisticated designs. However, Barenbrug was not interested in strollers from the beginning. His interest was in 'mobility' itself. "Freedom of movement comes before freedom to speak. However, mobile devices are very complicated to design because they are heavily influenced by the surrounding environment. At the same time, you have to be able to make your trip easy and fun."

His product could be fundamentally different because he was determined to create a mobile device that improves the user experience, not just a better stroller. This is also why Bugaboo calls its products "strollers," not "baby carriages." Traditional luxury stroller brands already existed, but the additional wealth was unique in that they focused on technology and design innovation. It pioneered a market that was clearly necessary but no one cared about. The biggest feature of the additional booster was the modular method. At that time, it was difficult to find a stroller with separate sheets or sunshades. Setting the user of the product as a parent, not a child, is also a breakthrough in the idea. The existing stroller was too low for tall Dutch men to pull, but the additional part introduced a handle that could adjust not only the height but also the direction. Excellent driving performance and operability were of course basic.

It is no exaggeration to say that this additional innovation was completed in Donkey, which was introduced in 2010. Additional products are still the only stroker that can freely switch from one person to two people. It is no exaggeration to say that design and technology are synonyms in addition, because the form and function fully support each other. Barenbrug's philosophy is that if it is a functional product and does not look beautiful, the idea should be abandoned. Although the technology is excellent, VAT is evaluated as a design-oriented company because, above all, all products start with users. If the stroller had only been thought of as an "object to carry a baby," a couple's stroller that could move on mountain roads or snowfields could not have been born.

How can it be called a design product if you can't go where you want because of the stroller and interfere with your clothes? Additional innovation was possible because it followed the basic principles of design, prioritizing the needs and needs of users. In addition, Barenbrug was both a designer and an entrepreneur. When he tried to sell the initial design of Bugaboo to a stroller company after graduating from college, there was no place to buy it. Eventually, instead of finding other buyers, he refined and developed his design to establish a company himself. Without this decisive choice, all innovations in wealth would never have paid off.

1 Donkey It is a model representing technological innovation of Bugaboo, and it is free to switch from one person to two people. It is convenient to pick up children of different ages, and one side can be used for various purposes such as shopping baskets.
2 Cameleon It is a representative model of Bugaboo couple and can be used not only in the city center but also in the forest, sand, and snow.
3 Bug.1 An urban multi-purpose stroller designed by Max Barenbrug as a graduation work. It became the birthplace of the additional stroker.


Interview -
Max Barenbrug, the founder of Bugaboo, Chief Design Officer (CDO)
"We didn't improve the existing strollers, but we rebuilt it from a completely new perspective."

Why did you choose a stroller for your graduation project?
I wanted to introduce something different and special. So I started looking for a market that needed change, but the stroller design was a mess at the time. At an affordable price, tacky colors, thin wheels, and teddy bear prints were all. The height was too low for Dutch men to use, making it awkward to look at. Parents were greatly disturbed by behavior and movement because of strollers.

In what ways was the design of Bugaboo different?
The early stroller designed as a graduation work was characterized by matching the city center, parks, and even bicycles. I could go jogging or hiking while pushing. In fact, I think there was a side that was too far ahead of the market. The modular method of mass-produced products and various functions for users were unimaginable at the time. The design was groundbreaking, but above all, it was a product that met the needs of users. This was possible because it was rebuilt from a completely new perspective, not to the extent of improving the existing stroller.

I'm curious about the design process of Bugaboo.
In addition, design determines the concept and direction of all products. While the design is in progress, the shape and function are balanced and constantly tested. Many designers try to dress in design later after solving the technical aspect, but they shouldn't. If there is anything unsatisfactory in the design process, we start all over again. Sometimes you need to throw away ideas and find another way. It takes time and money, but the power of design that can change the world comes from here.

What is the design philosophy of Bugaboo?
Additional couples are not obsessed with releasing new products every year. This is because they want to introduce only perfect products that can satisfy themselves. So, they spend years to design a single product. We do not give up functions for design reasons, and on the contrary, we do not tolerate damaging designs for functions. It is the additional design philosophy to try until all the functions and technologies required for the product are incorporated into the design.

What do you think is the condition of a good entrepreneur as a designer?
Creativity is the most important factor in any company. Carl Benz, who founded Benz, thought about attaching a motor to his wagon. This is not an idea that any leader can come up with. Everything starts with a different idea than others. You should also consider what the customer wants, but rather think about what you can suggest to the customer first. After that, it is necessary to predict how to position the product and how it will affect corporate profits. A designer who can do all of this has the qualities of a good entrepreneur and a good entrepreneur.

The Corporate Information
Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
About 1,000 employees, 50 designers and engineers.
Vision Creative and Innovative Mobility Brand

Information about the founder
Max Barenburg
In 1994, he graduated from the Eindhoven Design Academy in the Netherlands with a mobility-themed City Bike and an urban multi-purpose stroller.
Based on these works, he founded Bugaboo in 1996 with Eduard Zanern, a doctor and businessman who advised the ergonomic aspects of the product.
The "Bugaboo Classic," the first mass-production model of Bugaboo, was released in 1999.

I succeeded with my disadvantage of being a designer. - Airbnb

A panoramic view of the offices of Airbnb headquarters that reproduced Airbnb accommodations around the world
Airbnb, which operates a guest house brokerage website, was established in 2008. Airbnb currently has more than 600,000 accommodations registered in 192 countries, with 250,000 people using Airbnb for a day on December 31. Sales more than doubled from the previous year to $250 million last year. However, when Airbnb co-founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk visited Silicon Valley, no one was willing to invest in their business.

There were two main reasons investors put forward. There would be no one who wanted to stay at other people's homes, and that they were former designers. Nathan was an engineer from Harvard, but Brian and Joe had just graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design(RISD) in the United States. Ironically, however, Airbnb was successful for these two reasons. Many experts say Airbnb has the potential to shake the hotel-centered accommodation ecosystem. Airbnb's corporate value, which is currently expected to be more than $10 billion, is higher than that of the Hyatt Hotel chain. The key is that you can stay at someone else's house during the trip. Most of the customers who book rooms at Airbnb are on vacation. It is different from what most of the hotel's revenue comes from business travelers. People who enjoyed vacation at travel destinations wanted a comfortable space like home. A space where you can make breakfast, ask questions comfortably, and feel the way local people live. Airbnb, which accurately penetrated travelers' psychology, completely changed the accommodation ecosystem.

A Mexico's accommodations with the motif of conch.
Meanwhile, in the early days of the start-up, when the three founders of Airbnb struggled to create and sell limited edition cereals, Paul Graham, who leads the Y-Combinator, a San Francisco-based startup incubator, looked into their potential. He gave Airbnb a breather with an initial investment of $20,000, but the true harvest for founders was that they had a great mentor. "I've been keen on the advice that it's better to have 100 people who love you than 1 million people who like you," Brian Chesky said. This became Airbnb's management philosophy. If you create a service that can fully satisfy one person, it is not difficult to expand it ten times or twenty times. Most companies repeat the process of giving brief satisfaction to many customers and measuring the economic value of the result, but Airbnb has chosen a way to make services for one person perfect from beginning to end and expand them.

Brian is convinced that such person-centered management was possible because they were former designers. Designers are perfect people to lead companies like Airbnb because they put empathy and creativity at the highest value. However, it is not only because of the abstract value of empathy that founders cite Airbnb as a "design-oriented company more than any other company in Silicon Valley." Design leads everything from hiring to office interior. However, the design here does not mean 'styling' to decorate something beautifully. The perfect system for one person is referred to as the "end-to-end service design system" in Airbnb.

1 Airbnb headquarters in San Francisco.
2 A Vintage caravan accommodation in France.


The key to this is to completely design the user experience of Airbnb customers from beginning to end. After asking, "What is a perfect trip to these customers?" every step from the moment the customer book a plane ticket to after returning home is viewed as a service design area. The system is embodied through a method named "Snow White" by Airbnb. Inspired by animation, Snow White is said to be the first work made by Walt Disney using a storyboard. Airbnb applied this to travel. It designs the elements that make up a perfect trip by storyboarding, and this "Snow White" method is used for all minor decisions for the company. This method of finding problems after specifying the user experience as an image also helped improve services for hosts that release rooms on Airbnb.

Through this method, Airbnb is said to have realized that the "taking pictures" stage could be a big difficulty for hosts. You have to take a picture and upload it to release your room, which was a considerable challenge for some users. Airbnb has created a network of more than 4,000 professional photographers to solve this problem. With just one click, these photographers visit their homes and take pictures, and of course, the fee is free. Thanks to this, people or the elderly who are not familiar with camera use can act as airbnb hosts more conveniently. This is a point that Airbnb founders would not have considered if they were not designers who were good at what they thought from the user's point of view.

Schools always discussed how to inform the CEO of the importance of design, but Brian said he wondered, "Why shouldn't designers run the company themselves?" Airbnb's founders, who have created a new trend in the accommodation ecosystem, are certainly people who fit well with the traditional entrepreneurial spirit. However, if the word "design entrepreneurs" is newly created, they will definitely be on the top row of the list.

Information about the founder
Brian Chesky was born in 1981. He majored in painting and industrial design at Rhode Island Design School. As the current CEO of Airbnb, he plays a role in presenting the company's vision.
Joe Gebbia was born in 1981. He majored in graphic design and industrial design at Rhode Island Design School. As the Chief Product Officer (CPO), he is responsible for all designs and services of Airbnb.
Nathan Blecharczyk, born 1983, majored in computer science at Harvard University. As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), he manages all of Airbnb's technical strategies and engineers' teams.

The Corporate Information
In October 2007, Airbnb started with Brian Chesky and Joe Gevia renting spare rooms and air beds in apartments to people attending a large design conference in San Francisco.
The company name Airbnb means air bed and breakfast.
Headquarters San Francisco, California, USA.
Numbers of Employees About 800
Vision It presents a new way to experience the world while traveling.

Even entrepreneurs need a sense of design. - Superjam

1 Super Jam's label design.
2 Super Jam's package design. Based on the original concept, Super Jam Korea redesigned it to suit the Korean market.

The story of Super Jam begins one day in 2003 when Fraser Doherty, a 16-year-old founder, visits his grandmother's house. Watching his grandmother make jam without using any sugar, he was taught how to make it by her, and soon began to sell his jam to his neighbors. Doherty is a case of showing the qualities of an entrepreneur from an early age. In particular, it is interesting that while young entrepreneurs focused on the IT field, they started their business with a traditional and somewhat cliche material called jam.

"The first time I made money was when I was 10 years old. I baked cakes and sold them to my teachers, and I sent the money to Greenpeace, my favorite charity." Difficulties came early in the start-up process. Doherty went out to find a factory as the order volume gradually increased and it became difficult to handle at home, but it was very difficult to find a jam factory because the market was stagnant for a long time. Another problem was the widespread perception that jam is unhealthy due to its high sugar content. However, Doherty rather saw the possibility of super jam here. Decided to showcase healthy, modern and differentiated jam, he aimed to enter Britain's luxury supermarket chain Waitrose. Waitrose positively evaluated the super jam idea, but there were still many difficulties such as factory contracts and various recipes development. In particular, labels and packages were the problem.

3,4 Super Jam's package design. Based on the original concept, Super Jam Korea redesigned it to suit the Korean market.
5 The early design with the theme of "Super Hero".
Doherty valued brand design from the beginning because he thought it was the only weapon among numerous products on the shelf that could make consumers pick up super jam. Even though he was not a designer, he intuitively understood how design differentiates products. So I put a lot of effort into designing during the Super Jam launch process. However, the concept of "Super Hero," which was first introduced, was rejected in a good way at Wait Rose. It was at this time that I realized that design was not eye-catching, and that I had to convey the brand's core message. While devising the concept with the designer, he said he pondered the identity of Super Jam from the beginning. Only after a draft that reflected the biggest characteristics of being made of 100% fruit came out, Weightrose allowed entry. Whenever Doherty gives a lecture, he always tells the story of struggling with design.

In 2012, five years after Waitrose entered, Super Jam grew into a brand with annual sales of 14 billion won. However, Doherty was not satisfied with the simple jam production. He works on various projects with jam tools, and "Tea Party," which started in 2007, is a representative example. Inspired by the British tradition of enjoying tea and cookies, they visit nursing homes nationwide more than 100 times a year annually to provide bread and jam to the elderly. Recently, with the aim of protecting the environment and honeybees, it also introduced "Super Honey" made from honey obtained through urban beekeeping. There are probably countless British families with their own jam-making secrets. However, Fraser Doherty was the only one who proudly realized the idea even at a young age and raised it as a jam brand that sells more than 1 million bottles a year at 2,000 stores around the world.

Interview -
Fraser Doherty, founder of Super Jam.
"It was great luck to meet a designer who understood the vision of super jam."

Why was package design important to super jam?
It was really difficult to design this small product to attract attention in just a few seconds. That's also in the middle of a chaotic supermarket full of more than 30,000 products. Super Jam had to attract consumers' attention in the market and stand out at home. Rather than being intense or loud unconditionally, it should be beautiful enough to suit the kitchen. In particular, package design is more important for small brands that do not have much marketing or advertising budget like Super Jam. This is because it is highly likely that consumers have never heard of this product.

I understand that you thought a lot about the brand's identity while planning the package design.
At first, I thought package design should be able to make people laugh. I thought people would buy the product if it made them laugh. So, I thought of the concept of a cartoon in the name Super Jam. In other words, I was a superhero named "Jamboy." I even planned to produce costumes. I wanted to say that Super Jam is a fun and pleasant brand, something different from the existing jam. However, when the idea was proposed, weight rose officials said package design is not something that makes people laugh. The package was a message about why to buy the product.

What did you consider in the final design concept?
In addition to superheroes, we tried various concepts such as ideas and illustration styles using black and white photos, none of which was enough to convey the brand's core messages. Super jam had to be different from other "traditional" style jam on supermarket shelves. As it was made of natural materials, the package also needed to be clean and simple. After organizing these points, everything became easy and clear. I think I was always looking for business opportunities that could have a good impact on the world. Above all, it was the luckiest to meet a designer who accurately understood the vision and message of Super Jam.

The Corporate Information
Headquarters There are five branches worldwide, including headquarters Australia, Korea, Japan, Denmark and Poland.
Doherty is currently traveling freely to various countries.
Vision The most loved jam brand in the world.

Information about the founder
Fraser Doherty was born in 1988.
After starting selling jam made from his grandmother's recipe to my neighbors at the age of 16, I dropped out of high school and immersed myself in business.
It officially launched Super Jam in 2007 when it entered the British Waitrose Market.

     [Source] Monthly Design (June 2014 issued) | Reporter/Editor: Nu-ri Choi