Design Is Creative !

A design that can be participated by anyone
who has a good idea in creating it
We will make efficient design world that enriches life by visiting all places that need design

  • Customer service

    We provide a service that can enhance sustainability by establishing various strategic models to predict customers’ needs in advance.
  • Global service

    We will target the global market with design of rational sensitivity, sympathy and communication, and we will show the power of our design to the global market.
  • Human resource service

    We will take a lead in fostering professional human resource who are highly talented in designing and we will strive to achieve novel design by creating a vivid organizational culture through the deconstruction of tasks by job position. 

Design that moves the world

Design I Coop

To touch one's heart

is to move the world.

We want to change the world

with design that touches one's heart.